The CP-SAT Primer: Using and Understanding Google OR-Tools' CP-SAT Solver

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By Dominik Krupke, TU Braunschweig, with contributions from Leon Lan, Michael Perk, and others.

Many combinatorially difficult optimization problems can, despite their proven theoretical hardness, be solved reasonably well in practice. The most successful approach is to use Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MIP) to model the problem and then use a solver to find a solution. The most successful solvers for MIPs are, e.g., Gurobi, CPLEX, COPT Cardinal Solver, and FICO Xpress Optimization, which are all commercial and expensive (though, mostly free for academics). There are also some open source solvers (e.g., SCIP and HiGHS), but they are often not as powerful as the commercial ones (yet). However, even when investing in such a solver, the underlying techniques (Branch and Bound & Cut on Linear Relaxations) struggle with some optimization problems, especially if the problem contains a lot of logical constraints that a solution has to satisfy. In this case, the Constraint Programming (CP) approach may be more successful. For Constraint Programming, there are many open source solvers, but they usually do not scale as well as MIP-solvers and are worse in optimizing objective functions. While MIP-solvers are frequently able to optimize problems with hundreds of thousands of variables and constraints, the classical CP-solvers often struggle with problems with more than a few thousand variables and constraints. However, the relatively new CP-SAT of Google's OR-Tools suite shows to overcome many of the weaknesses and provides a viable alternative to MIP-solvers, being competitive for many problems and sometimes even superior.

As a quick demonstration of CP-SAT's capabilities - particularly for those less familiar with optimization frameworks - let us solve an instance of the NP-hard Knapsack Problem. This classic optimization problem requires selecting a subset of items, each with a specific weight and value, to maximize the total value without exceeding a weight limit. Although a recursive algorithm is easy to implement, 100 items yield approximately \( 2^{100} \approx 10^{30} \) possible solutions. Even with a supercomputer performing \( 10^{18} \) operations per second, it would take more than 31,000 years to evaluate all possibilities.

Here is how you can solve it using CP-SAT:

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model  # pip install -U ortools

# Specifying the input
weights = [395, 658, 113, 185, 336, 494, 294, 295, 256, 530, 311, 321, 602, 855, 209, 647, 520, 387, 743, 26, 54, 420, 667, 971, 171, 354, 962, 454, 589, 131, 342, 449, 648, 14, 201, 150, 602, 831, 941, 747, 444, 982, 732, 350, 683, 279, 667, 400, 441, 786, 309, 887, 189, 119, 209, 532, 461, 420, 14, 788, 691, 510, 961, 528, 538, 476, 49, 404, 761, 435, 729, 245, 204, 401, 347, 674, 75, 40, 882, 520, 692, 104, 512, 97, 713, 779, 224, 357, 193, 431, 442, 816, 920, 28, 143, 388, 23, 374, 905, 942]
values = [71, 15, 100, 37, 77, 28, 71, 30, 40, 22, 28, 39, 43, 61, 57, 100, 28, 47, 32, 66, 79, 70, 86, 86, 22, 57, 29, 38, 83, 73, 91, 54, 61, 63, 45, 30, 51, 5, 83, 18, 72, 89, 27, 66, 43, 64, 22, 23, 22, 72, 10, 29, 59, 45, 65, 38, 22, 68, 23, 13, 45, 34, 63, 34, 38, 30, 82, 33, 64, 100, 26, 50, 66, 40, 85, 71, 54, 25, 100, 74, 96, 62, 58, 21, 35, 36, 91, 7, 19, 32, 77, 70, 23, 43, 78, 98, 30, 12, 76, 38]
capacity = 2000

# Now we solve the problem
model = cp_model.CpModel()
xs = [model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(len(weights))]

model.add(sum(x * w for x, w in zip(xs, weights)) <= capacity)
model.maximize(sum(x * v for x, v in zip(xs, values)))

solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

print("Optimal selection:", [i for i, x in enumerate(xs) if solver.value(x)])
print("Total packed value:", solver.objective_value)
Optimal selection: [2, 14, 19, 20, 29, 33, 52, 53, 54, 58, 66, 72, 76, 77, 81, 86, 93, 94, 96]
Total packed value: 1161.0

How long did CP-SAT take? On my machine, it found the provably best solution from \( 2^{100} \) possibilities in just 0.01 seconds. Feel free to try it on yours. CP-SAT does not evaluate all solutions; it uses advanced techniques to make deductions and prune the search space. While more efficient approaches than a naive recursive algorithm exist, matching CP-SAT’s performance would require significant time and effort. And this is just the beginning - CP-SAT can tackle much more complex problems, as we will see in this primer.

Not convinced yet of why tools like CP-SAT are amazing? Maybe Marco Lübbecke can convince you in his 12-minute TEDx talk Anything you can do I can do better about mathematical optimization.

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Whether you are from the MIP community seeking alternatives or CP-SAT is your first optimization solver, this book will guide you through the fundamentals of CP-SAT in the first part, demonstrating all its features. The second part will equip you with the skills needed to build and deploy optimization algorithms using CP-SAT.

The first part introduces the fundamentals of CP-SAT, starting with a chapter on installation. This chapter guides you through setting up CP-SAT and outlines the necessary hardware requirements. The next chapter provides a simple example of using CP-SAT, explaining the mathematical notation and its approximation in Python with overloaded operators. You will then progress to basic modeling, learning how to create variables, objectives, and fundamental constraints in CP-SAT.

Following this, a chapter on advanced modeling will teach you how to handle complex constraints, such as circuit constraints and intervals, with practical examples. Another chapter discusses specifying CP-SAT's behavior, including setting time limits and using parallelization. You will also find a chapter on interpreting CP-SAT logs, which helps you understand how well CP-SAT is managing your problem. Additionally, there is an overview of the underlying techniques used in CP-SAT. The first part concludes with a chapter comparing CP-SAT with other optimization techniques and tools, providing a broader context.

The second part delves into more advanced topics, focusing on general skills like coding patterns and benchmarking rather than specific CP-SAT features. A chapter on coding patterns offers basic design patterns for creating maintainable algorithms with CP-SAT. Another chapter explains how to provide your optimization algorithm as a service by building an optimization API. There is also a chapter on developing powerful heuristics using CP-SAT for particularly difficult or large problems. The second part concludes with a chapter on benchmarking, offering guidance on how to scientifically benchmark your model and interpret the results.

Target Audience

I wrote this book for my computer science students at TU Braunschweig, and it is used as supplementary material in my algorithm engineering courses. Initially, we focused on Mixed Integer Programming (MIP), with CP-SAT discussed as an alternative. However, we recently began using CP-SAT as the first optimization solver due to its high-level interface, which is much easier for beginners to grasp. Despite this shift, because MIP is more commonly used, the book includes numerous comparisons to MIP. Thus, it is designed to be beginner-friendly while also addressing the needs of MIP users seeking alternatives.

Unlike other books aimed at mathematical optimization or operations research students, this one, aimed at computer science students, emphasizes coding over mathematics or business cases, providing a hands-on approach to learning optimization. The second part of the book can also be interesting for more advanced users, providing content that I found missing in other books on optimization.

Table of Content

Part 1: The Basics

  1. Installation: Quick installation guide.
  2. Example: A short example, showing the usage of CP-SAT.
  3. Basic Modeling: An overview of variables, objectives, and constraints.
  4. Advanced Modeling: More complex constraints, such as circuit constraints and intervals.
  5. Parameters: How to specify CP-SATs behavior, if needed. Timelimits, hints, assumptions, parallelization, ...
  6. Understanding the Log: How to interpret the log
  7. How does it work?: After we know what we can do with CP-SAT, we look into how CP-SAT will do all these things.
  8. Alternatives: An overview of the different optimization techniques and tools available. Putting CP-SAT into context.

Part 2: Advanced Topics

  1. Coding Patterns: Basic design patterns for creating maintainable algorithms.
  2. (DRAFT) Building an Optimization API How to build a scalable API for long running optimization jobs.
  3. (DRAFT) CP-SAT vs. ML vs. QC: A comparison of CP-SAT with Machine Learning and Quantum Computing.
  4. Large Neighborhood Search: The use of CP-SAT to create more powerful heuristics.
  5. Benchmarking your Model: How to benchmark your model and how to interpret the results.


This book assumes you are fluent in Python, and have already been introduced to combinatorial optimization problems. In case you are just getting into combinatorial optimization and are learning on your own, I recommend starting with the free Coursera course, Discrete Optimization, taught by Pascal Van Hentenryck and Carleton Coffrin. This course provides a comprehensive introduction in a concise format.

For an engaging exploration of a classic problem within this domain, In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman by Bill Cook is highly recommended. This book, along with this YouTube talk by the author that lasts about an hour, offers a practical case study of the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem. It not only introduces fundamental techniques but also delves into the community and historical context of the field.

Additionally, the article Mathematical Programming by CP-SAT's competitor Gurobi offers an insightful introduction to mathematical programming and modeling. In this context, the term "Programming" does not refer to coding; rather, it originates from an earlier usage of the word "program", which denoted a plan of action or a schedule. If this distinction is new to you, it is a strong indication that you would benefit from reading this article.

About the Lead Author: Dr. Dominik Krupke is a postdoctoral researcher with the Algorithms Division at TU Braunschweig. He specializes in practical solutions to NP-hard problems. Initially focused on theoretical computer science, he now applies his expertise to solve what was once deemed impossible, frequently with the help of CP-SAT. This primer on CP-SAT, first developed as course material for his students, has been extended in his spare time to cater to a wider audience.

Contributors: This primer has been enriched by the contributions of several individuals. Notably, Leon Lan played a key role in restructuring the content and offering critical feedback, while Michael Perk significantly enhanced the section on the reservoir constraint. I also extend my gratitude to all other contributors who identified and corrected errors, improved the text, and offered valuable insights.

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Want to contribute? If you are interested in contributing, please open an issue or email me with a brief description of your proposal. We can then discuss the details. I welcome all assistance and am open to expanding the content. Contributors to any section or similar input will be recognized as coauthors.

Want to use/share this content? This tutorial can be freely used under CC-BY 4.0. Smaller parts can even be copied without any acknowledgement for non-commercial, educational purposes.

Why are there so many platypuses in the text? I enjoy incorporating elements in my texts that add a light-hearted touch. The choice of the platypus is intentional: much like CP-SAT integrates diverse elements from various domains, the platypus combines traits from different animals. The platypus also symbolizes Australia, home to the development of a key technique in CP-SAT - Lazy Clause Generation (LCG).

The CP-SAT Primer is authored by Dominik Krupke at TU Braunschweig, Algorithms Division. It is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license.

The primer is written for educational purposes and may be incomplete or incorrect in places. If you find this primer helpful, please star the GitHub repository, to let me know with a single click that it has made an impact. As an academic, I also enjoy hearing about how you use CP-SAT to solve real-world problems.