Part 2: Advanced Topics

Coding Patterns for Optimization Problems

Cover Image Patterns

In this section, we will explore various coding patterns that are essential for structuring implementations for optimization problems using CP-SAT. While we will not delve into the modeling of specific problems, our focus will be on demonstrating how to organize your code to enhance its readability and maintainability. These practices are crucial for developing robust and scalable optimization solutions that can be easily understood, modified, and extended by other developers. We will concentrate on basic patterns, as more complex patterns are better understood within the context of larger problems and are beyond the scope of this primer.

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The naming conventions for patterns in optimization problems are not standardized. There is no comprehensive guide on coding patterns for optimization issues, and my insights are primarily based on personal experience. Most online examples tend to focus solely on the model, often presented as Jupyter notebooks or sequential scripts. The gurobi-optimods provide the closest examples to production-ready code that I am aware of, yet they offer limited guidance on code structuring. I aim to address this gap, which many find challenging, though it is important to note that my approach is highly opinionated.

Simple Function

For straightforward optimization problems, encapsulating the model creation and solving within a single function is a practical approach. This method is best suited for simpler cases due to its straightforward nature but lacks flexibility for more complex scenarios. Parameters such as the time limit and optimality tolerance can be customized via keyword arguments with default values.

The following Python function demonstrates solving a simple knapsack problem using CP-SAT. To recap, in the knapsack problem, we select items - each with a specific weight and value - to maximize total value without exceeding a predefined weight limit. Given its simplicity, involving only one constraint, the knapsack problem serves as an ideal model for introductory examples.

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
from typing import List

def solve_knapsack(
    weights: List[int],
    values: List[int],
    capacity: int,
    time_limit: int = 900,
    opt_tol: float = 0.01,
) -> List[int]:
    # initialize the model
    model = cp_model.CpModel()
    n = len(weights)  # Number of items
    # Decision variables for items
    x = [model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(n)]
    # Capacity constraint
    model.add(sum(weights[i] * x[i] for i in range(n)) <= capacity)
    # Objective function to maximize value
    model.maximize(sum(values[i] * x[i] for i in range(n)))
    # Solve the model
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = time_limit  # Solver time limit
    solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = opt_tol  # Solver optimality tolerance
    status = solver.solve(model)
    # Extract solution
    return (
        # Return indices of selected items
        [i for i in range(n) if solver.value(x[i])]
        if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]
        else []

Logging the Model Building

When working with more complex optimization problems, logging the model-building process can be essential to find and fix issues. Often, the problem lies not within the solver but in the model itself.

In the following example, we add some basic logging to the solver function to give us some insights into the model-building process. This logging can be easily activated or deactivated by the logging framework, allowing us to use it not only during development but also in production.

If you do not know about the logging framework of Python, this is an excellent moment to learn about it. I consider it an essential skill for production code and this and similar frameworks are used for most production code in any language. The official Python documentation contains a good tutorial.

import logging
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
from typing import List

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # get a logger for the current module

def solve_knapsack(
    weights: List[int],
    values: List[int],
    capacity: int,
    time_limit: int = 900,
    opt_tol: float = 0.01,
) -> List[int]:
    _logger.debug("Building the knapsack model")
    # initialize the model
    model = cp_model.CpModel()
    n = len(weights)  # Number of items
    _logger.debug("Number of items: %d", n)
    if n > 0:
            "Min/Mean/Max weight: %d/%.2f/%d",
            sum(weights) / n,
            "Min/Mean/Max value: %d/%.2f/%d", min(values), sum(values) / n, max(values)
    # Decision variables for items
    x = [model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(n)]
    # Capacity constraint
    model.add(sum(weights[i] * x[i] for i in range(n)) <= capacity)
    # Objective function to maximize value
    model.maximize(sum(values[i] * x[i] for i in range(n)))
    # Log the model
    _logger.debug("Model created with %d items", n)
    # Solve the model
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = time_limit  # Solver time limit
    solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = opt_tol  # Solver optimality tolerance
        "Starting the solution process with time limit %d seconds", time_limit
    status = solver.solve(model)
    # Extract solution
    selected_items = (
        [i for i in range(n) if solver.value(x[i])]
        if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]
        else []
    _logger.debug("Selected items: %s", selected_items)
    return selected_items

We will not use logging in the following examples to save space, but you should consider adding it to your code.

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A great hack you can do with the logging framework is that you can easily hook into your code and do analysis beyond the simple logging. You can simply write a handler that, e.g., waits for the tag "Selected items: %s" and then can directly access the selected items, as the actual object is passed to the handler (and not just the string). This can be very useful to gather statistics or to visualize the search process, without having to change the (production) code.

Custom Data Classes for Instances, Configurations, and Solutions

Incorporating serializable data classes to manage instances, configurations, and solutions significantly enhances the readability and maintainability of your code. These classes also facilitate the documentation process, testing, and ensure data consistency across larger projects where data exchange among different components is necessary.

Implemented Changes: We introduce data classes using Pydantic, a popular Python library that supports data validation and settings management through Python type annotations. The changes include:

  • Instance Class: Defines the knapsack problem with attributes for weights, values, and capacity. It includes a validation method to ensure that the number of weights matches the number of values, thereby enhancing data integrity.
  • Configuration Class: Manages solver settings such as time limits and optimality tolerance, allowing for easy adjustments and fine-tuning of the solver’s performance. Default values ensure backward compatibility, facilitating the seamless integration of older configurations with new parameters.
  • Solution Class: Captures the outcome of the optimization process, including which items were selected, the objective value, and the upper bound of the solution. This class allows us to add additional information, instead of just returning the pure solution. It also allows us to later extend the attached information without breaking the API, by just making the new entries optional or providing a default value. For example, you may be interested in the solution time that was required to find the solution.
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
from pydantic import BaseModel, PositiveInt, NonNegativeFloat

class KnapsackInstance(BaseModel):
    weights: list[PositiveInt]  # the weight of each item
    values: list[PositiveInt]  # the value of each item
    capacity: PositiveInt  # the capacity of the knapsack

    def check_lengths(cls, v):
        if len(v.weights) != len(v.values):
            raise ValueError("Mismatch in number of weights and values.")
        return v

class KnapsackSolverConfig(BaseModel):
    time_limit: PositiveInt = 900  # Solver time limit in seconds
    opt_tol: NonNegativeFloat = 0.01  # Optimality tolerance (1% gap allowed)
    log_search_progress: bool = False  # Whether to log search progress

class KnapsackSolution(BaseModel):
    selected_items: list[int]  # Indices of the selected items
    objective: float  # Objective value of the solution
    upper_bound: float  # Upper bound of the solution

def solve_knapsack(
    instance: KnapsackInstance, config: KnapsackSolverConfig
) -> KnapsackSolution:
    model = cp_model.CpModel()
    n = len(instance.weights)
    x = [model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(n)]
    model.add(sum(instance.weights[i] * x[i] for i in range(n)) <= instance.capacity)
    model.maximize(sum(instance.values[i] * x[i] for i in range(n)))
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    # Set solver parameters from the configuration
    solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = config.time_limit
    solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = config.opt_tol
    solver.parameters.log_search_progress = config.log_search_progress
    # solve the model and return the solution
    status = solver.solve(model)
    if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]:
        return KnapsackSolution(
            selected_items=[i for i in range(n) if solver.value(x[i])],
    return KnapsackSolution(selected_items=[], objective=0, upper_bound=0)

Key Benefits:

  • Structured Data Handling: Defining explicit structures for each aspect of the problem ensures robust data handling and minimizes errors, facilitating easier integration and API exposition.
  • Easy Serialization: Pydantic models support straightforward conversion to and from JSON, simplifying the storage and transmission of configurations and results.
  • Enhanced Testing and Documentation: Clear data definitions make it easier to generate documentation and conduct tests that confirm the model and solver's behavior.
  • Backward Compatibility: Default values in data classes enable seamless integration of older configurations with new software versions, accommodating new parameters without disrupting existing setups.
  • Type Hinting: Type annotations in data classes provide a clear specification of the expected data types, enhancing code readability and enabling static type checkers to catch potential errors early.
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One challenge I often face is designing data classes to be as generic as possible so that they can be used with multiple solvers and remain compatible throughout various stages of the optimization process. For instance, a graph might be represented as an edge list, an adjacency matrix, or an adjacency list, each with its own pros and cons, complicating the decision of which format is optimal for all stages. However, converting between different data class formats is typically straightforward, often requiring only a few lines of code and having a negligible impact compared to the optimization process itself. Therefore, I recommend focusing on functionality with your current solver without overcomplicating this aspect. There is little harm in having to call a few convert functions because you created separate specialized data classes.

Solver Class

In many real-world optimization scenarios, problems may require iterative refinement of the model and solution. For instance, new constraints might only become apparent after presenting an initial solution to a user or another algorithm. In such cases, flexibility is crucial, making it beneficial to encapsulate both the model and the solver within a single class. This setup facilitates the dynamic addition of constraints and subsequent re-solving without needing to rebuild the entire model.

Implemented Changes: We introduce the KnapsackSolver class, which encapsulates the entire setup and solving process of the knapsack problem:

class KnapsackSolver:
    def __init__(self, instance: KnapsackInstance, config: KnapsackSolverConfig):
        self.instance = instance
        self.config = config
        self.model = cp_model.CpModel()
        self.n = len(instance.weights)
        self.x = [self.model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(self.n)]
        self.solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

    def _add_constraints(self):
        used_weight = sum(
            weight * x_i for weight, x_i in zip(self.instance.weights, self.x)
        self.model.add(used_weight <= self.instance.capacity)

    def _add_objective(self):
            sum(value * x_i for value, x_i in zip(self.instance.values, self.x))

    def _build_model(self):

    def solve(self) -> KnapsackSolution:
        self.solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = self.config.time_limit
        self.solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = self.config.opt_tol
        self.solver.parameters.log_search_progress = self.config.log_search_progress
        status = self.solver.solve(self.model)
        if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]:
            return KnapsackSolution(
                    i for i in range(self.n) if self.solver.value(self.x[i])
        return KnapsackSolution(
            selected_items=[], objective=0, upper_bound=float("inf")

    def prohibit_combination(self, item_a: int, item_b: int):
        Prohibit the combination of two items in the solution,
        without having to know the actual model, e.g., if they
        do not follow clean rules but after presenting the solution
        to the user, the user decides that these two items should
        not be packed together. After calling this method, you can
        simply call `solve` again to get a new solution obeying
        this constraint.
        self.model.add(self.x[item_a] + self.x[item_b] <= 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    instance = KnapsackInstance(weights=[1, 2, 3], values=[4, 5, 6], capacity=3)
    config = KnapsackSolverConfig(time_limit=10, opt_tol=0.01, log_search_progress=True)
    solver = KnapsackSolver(instance, config)
    solution = solver.solve()
    solver.prohibit_combination(0, 1)
    solution = solver.solve()

Key Benefits:

  • Incremental Model Building and Re-solving: The class structure not only facilitates incremental additions of constraints for iterative model modifications without starting from scratch but also supports multiple invocations of the solve method. This allows for iterative refinement of the solution by adjusting constraints or solver parameters such as time limits and optimality tolerance.
  • Direct Model and Solver Access: Provides direct member-access to the model and solver, enhancing flexibility for advanced operations and debugging, a capability not exposed in the function-based approach.

Exchangeable Objective

In real-world scenarios, objectives are often not clearly defined. Typically, there are multiple objectives with different priorities, making it challenging to combine them. Consider the Knapsack problem, representing a logistics issue where we aim to transport the maximum value of goods in a single trip. Given the values and weights of the goods, our primary objective is to maximize the packed goods' value. However, after computing and presenting the solution, we might be asked to find an alternative solution that does not fill the truck as much, even if it means accepting up to a 5% decrease in value.

To handle this, we can optimize in two phases. First, we maximize the value under the weight constraint. Next, we add a constraint that the value must be at least 95% of the initial solution's value and change the objective to minimize the weight. This iterative process can continue through multiple phases, exploring the Pareto front of the two objectives. More complex problems can be tackled using similar approaches.

A challenge with this method is avoiding the creation of multiple models and restarting from scratch in each phase. Since we have a solution close to the new one, we can use it as a starting point. This technique, known as warm-starting, is common in optimization and significantly reduces the time needed to find a solution. Additionally, reusing the model can improve code readability and performance.

The following code demonstrates how to extend a solver class to support exchangeable objectives. It includes fixing the current objective value to prevent degeneration and using the current solution as a hint.

Implemented Changes: We created a member _objective to store the current objective function and added methods to set the objective to maximize value or minimize weight. We also introduced methods to set the solution as a hint for the next solve which will automatically be called if the solve found a feasible solution. To not degenerate on previous objectives, we added a method to fix the current objective value based on some ratio.

class MultiObjectiveKnapsackSolver:
    def __init__(self, instance: KnapsackInstance, config: KnapsackSolverConfig):
        self.instance = instance
        self.config = config
        self.model = cp_model.CpModel()
        self.n = len(instance.weights)
        self.x = [self.model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(self.n)]
        self._objective = 0
        self.solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

    def set_maximize_value_objective(self):
        """Set the objective to maximize the value of the packed goods."""
        self._objective = sum(
            value * x_i for value, x_i in zip(self.instance.values, self.x)

    def set_minimize_weight_objective(self):
        """Set the objective to minimize the weight of the packed goods."""
        self._objective = sum(
            weight * x_i for weight, x_i in zip(self.instance.weights, self.x)

    def _set_solution_as_hint(self):
        """Use the current solution as a hint for the next solve."""
        for i, v in enumerate(self.model.proto.variables):
            v_ = self.model.get_int_var_from_proto_index(i)
            assert ==, "Variable names should match"
            self.model.add_hint(v_, self.solver.value(v_))

    def fix_current_objective(self, ratio: float = 1.0):
        """Fix the current objective value to prevent degeneration."""
        if ratio == 1.0:
            self.model.add(self._objective == self.solver.objective_value)
        elif ratio > 1.0:
            self.model.add(self._objective <= ceil(self.solver.objective_value * ratio))
                self._objective >= floor(self.solver.objective_value * ratio)

    def _add_constraints(self):
        """Add the weight constraint to the model."""
        used_weight = sum(
            weight * x_i for weight, x_i in zip(self.instance.weights, self.x)
        self.model.add(used_weight <= self.instance.capacity)

    def _build_model(self):
        """Build the initial model with constraints and objective."""

    def solve(self) -> KnapsackSolution:
        """Solve the knapsack problem and return the solution."""
        self.solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = self.config.time_limit
        self.solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = self.config.opt_tol
        self.solver.parameters.log_search_progress = self.config.log_search_progress
        status = self.solver.solve(self.model)
        if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]:
            return KnapsackSolution(
                    i for i in range(self.n) if self.solver.value(self.x[i])
        return KnapsackSolution(
            selected_items=[], objective=0, upper_bound=float("inf")

We can use the MultiObjectiveKnapsackSolver class as follows:

config = KnapsackSolverConfig(time_limit=15, opt_tol=0.01, log_search_progress=True)
solver = MultiObjectiveKnapsackSolver(instance, config)
solution_1 = solver.solve()

# maintain at least 95% of the current objective value
# change the objective to minimize the weight
solution_2 = solver.solve()

Key Benefits:

  • Objective Flexibility: The ability to exchange objectives and fix the current objective value enhances the solver's adaptability to changing requirements and constraints, enabling the exploration of multiple objectives and trade-offs.
  • Warm-Starting: By using the current solution as a hint for the next solve, the solver can leverage the existing solution to find a new one more quickly, reducing computational overhead and improving performance.

Variable Containers

In complex models, variables play a crucial role and can span the entire model. While managing variables as a list or dictionary may suffice for simple models, this approach becomes cumbersome and error-prone as the model's complexity increases. A single mistake in indexing can introduce subtle errors, potentially leading to incorrect results that are difficult to trace.

As variables form the foundation of the model, refactoring them becomes more challenging as the model grows. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a robust management system early on. Encapsulating variables in a dedicated class ensures that they are always accessed correctly. This approach also allows for the easy addition of new variables or modifications in their management without altering the entire model.

Furthermore, incorporating clear query methods helps maintain the readability and manageability of constraints. Readable constraints, free from complex variable access patterns, ensure that the constraints accurately reflect the intended model.

Implemented Changes: We introduce the _ItemVariables class to the KnapsackSolver, which acts as a container for the decision variables associated with the knapsack items. This class not only creates these variables but also offers several utility methods to interact with them, improving the clarity and maintainability of the code.

from typing import Generator, Tuple

class _ItemVariables:
    def __init__(self, instance: KnapsackInstance, model: cp_model.CpModel):
        self.instance = instance
        self.x = [model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(len(instance.weights))]

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.x[i]

    def extract_packed_items(self, solver: cp_model.CpSolver) -> List[int]:
        return [i for i, x_i in enumerate(self.x) if solver.value(x_i)]

    def used_weight(self) -> cp_model.LinearExpr:
        return sum(weight * x_i for weight, x_i in zip(self.instance.weights, self.x))

    def packed_value(self) -> cp_model.LinearExpr:
        return sum(value * x_i for value, x_i in zip(self.instance.values, self.x))

    def iter_items(
        weight_lb: float = 0.0,
        weight_ub: float = float("inf"),
        value_lb: float = 0.0,
        value_ub: float = float("inf"),
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, cp_model.BoolVar], None, None]:
        for i, (weight, x_i) in enumerate(zip(self.instance.weights, self.x)):
            if (
                weight_lb <= weight <= weight_ub
                and value_lb <= self.instance.values[i] <= value_ub
                yield i, x_i

class KnapsackSolver:
    def __init__(self, instance: KnapsackInstance, config: KnapsackSolverConfig):
        self.instance = instance
        self.config = config
        self.model = cp_model.CpModel()
        self._item_vars = _ItemVariables(instance, self.model)
        self.solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

    def _add_constraints(self):
        self.model.add(self._item_vars.used_weight() <= self.instance.capacity)

    def _add_objective(self):

    def _build_model(self):

    def solve(self) -> KnapsackSolution:
        self.solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = self.config.time_limit
        self.solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = self.config.opt_tol
        self.solver.parameters.log_search_progress = self.config.log_search_progress
        status = self.solver.solve(self.model)
        if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]:
            return KnapsackSolution(
        return KnapsackSolution(
            selected_items=[], objective=0, upper_bound=float("inf")

    def prohibit_combination(self, item_a: int, item_b: int):
        self.model.add(self._item_vars[item_a] + self._item_vars[item_b] <= 1)

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Readability: By encapsulating the item variables and their interactions within a dedicated class, the main solver class becomes more focused and easier to understand.
  • Improved Modularity: The _ItemVariables-class allows to easily hand over the variables to a function that may create complex constraints, without creating a cyclic dependency. The model can now be split over multiple files without any issues.


As optimization models increase in complexity, it may be beneficial to divide the overall model into smaller, more manageable submodels. These submodels can encapsulate specific parts of the problem, communicating with the main model via shared variables but hiding internal details like auxiliary variables.

For instance, piecewise linear functions can be modeled as submodels, as done for PiecewiseLinearConstraint in ./utils/piecewise_functions/ Each submodel handles a piecewise linear function independently, interfacing with the main model through shared x and y variables. By encapsulating the logic for each piecewise function in a dedicated class, we standardize and reuse the logic across multiple instances, enhancing modularity and maintainability.

requirements_1 = (3, 5, 2)
requirements_2 = (2, 1, 3)

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

model = cp_model.CpModel()
buy_1 = model.new_int_var(0, 1_500, "buy_1")
buy_2 = model.new_int_var(0, 1_500, "buy_2")
buy_3 = model.new_int_var(0, 1_500, "buy_3")

produce_1 = model.new_int_var(0, 300, "produce_1")
produce_2 = model.new_int_var(0, 300, "produce_2")

model.add(produce_1 * requirements_1[0] + produce_2 * requirements_2[0] <= buy_1)
model.add(produce_1 * requirements_1[1] + produce_2 * requirements_2[1] <= buy_2)
model.add(produce_1 * requirements_1[2] + produce_2 * requirements_2[2] <= buy_3)

# You can find this code it ./utils!
from piecewise_functions import PiecewiseLinearFunction, PiecewiseLinearConstraint

# Define the functions for the costs
costs_1 = [(0, 0), (1000, 400), (1500, 1300)]
costs_2 = [(0, 0), (300, 300), (700, 500), (1200, 600), (1500, 1100)]
costs_3 = [(0, 0), (200, 400), (500, 700), (1000, 900), (1500, 1500)]
# PiecewiseLinearFunction is a pydantic model and can be serialized easily!
f_costs_1 = PiecewiseLinearFunction(
    xs=[x for x, y in costs_1], ys=[y for x, y in costs_1]
f_costs_2 = PiecewiseLinearFunction(
    xs=[x for x, y in costs_2], ys=[y for x, y in costs_2]
f_costs_3 = PiecewiseLinearFunction(
    xs=[x for x, y in costs_3], ys=[y for x, y in costs_3]

# Define the functions for the gain
gain_1 = [(0, 0), (100, 800), (200, 1600), (300, 2_000)]
gain_2 = [(0, 0), (80, 1_000), (150, 1_300), (200, 1_400), (300, 1_500)]
f_gain_1 = PiecewiseLinearFunction(xs=[x for x, y in gain_1], ys=[y for x, y in gain_1])
f_gain_2 = PiecewiseLinearFunction(xs=[x for x, y in gain_2], ys=[y for x, y in gain_2])

# Create y>=f(x) constraints for the costs
x_costs_1 = PiecewiseLinearConstraint(model, buy_1, f_costs_1, upper_bound=False)
x_costs_2 = PiecewiseLinearConstraint(model, buy_2, f_costs_2, upper_bound=False)
x_costs_3 = PiecewiseLinearConstraint(model, buy_3, f_costs_3, upper_bound=False)

# Create y<=f(x) constraints for the gain
x_gain_1 = PiecewiseLinearConstraint(model, produce_1, f_gain_1, upper_bound=True)
x_gain_2 = PiecewiseLinearConstraint(model, produce_2, f_gain_2, upper_bound=True)

# Maximize the gain minus the costs
model.maximize(x_gain_1.y + x_gain_2.y - (x_costs_1.y + x_costs_2.y + x_costs_3.y))

Key Benefits:

  • Testing: Testing complex optimization models is often very difficult as the outputs are often sensitive to small changes in the model. Even if you have a good test case with predictable results, detected errors may be very difficult to track down. If you extracted elements into submodels, you can test these submodels independently, ensuring that they work correctly before integrating them into the main model.
    def test_piecewise_linear_upper_bound_constraint():
        model = cp_model.CpModel()
        # Defining the input. Note that for some problems it may be
        # easier to fix variables to a specific value and then just
        # test feasibility.
        x = model.new_int_var(0, 20, "x")
        f = PiecewiseLinearFunction(xs=[0, 10, 20], ys=[0, 10, 5])
        # Using the submodel
        c = PiecewiseLinearConstraint(model, x, f, upper_bound=True)
        # Checking its behavior
        solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
        assert solver.solve(model) == cp_model.OPTIMAL
        assert solver.value(c.y) == 10
        assert solver.value(x) == 10
  • Modularity: Submodels allow for the encapsulation of complex logic into smaller, more manageable components, enhancing code organization and readability.
  • Reusability: By defining submodels for common functions or constraints, you can reuse these components across multiple instances of the main model, promoting code reuse and reducing redundancy.
  • Abstraction: Submodels abstract the internal details of specific functions, enabling users to interact with them at a higher level without needing to understand the underlying implementation.

Lazy Variable Construction

In models with numerous auxiliary variables, often only a subset is actually used by the constraints. You can now try to only create the variables that may actually be needed later on, but this can require some complex code to ensure that exactly the right variables are created. If the model is extended later on, things can get even more complicated as you may not know which variables are needed upfront. This is where lazy variable construction comes into play. Here, we create variables only when they are accessed, ensuring that only necessary variables are generated, reducing memory usage and computational overhead. While this can be more expensive that just creating a vector with all variables, when in the end most variables are needed anyway, but it can save a lot of memory and computation time if only a small subset is actually used.

Implemented Changes: We introduce the new class _CombiVariables that manages auxiliary variables indicating that a pair of items were packed, allowing to give additional bonuses for packing certain items together. Theoretically, there is a square number of possible combinations, but there will probably only be a handful of them that are actually used. By creating the variables only when they are accessed, we can reduce memory usage and computational overhead.

class _ItemVariables:
    def __init__(self, instance: KnapsackInstance, model: cp_model.CpModel):
        self.instance = instance
        self.x = [model.new_bool_var(f"x_{i}") for i in range(len(instance.weights))]

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.x[i]

    def extract_packed_items(self, solver: cp_model.CpSolver) -> List[int]:
        return [i for i, x_i in enumerate(self.x) if solver.value(x_i)]

    def used_weight(self) -> cp_model.LinearExpr:
        return sum(weight * x_i for weight, x_i in zip(self.instance.weights, self.x))

    def packed_value(self) -> cp_model.LinearExpr:
        return sum(value * x_i for value, x_i in zip(self.instance.values, self.x))

    def iter_items(
        weight_lb: float = 0.0,
        weight_ub: float = float("inf"),
        value_lb: float = 0.0,
        value_ub: float = float("inf"),
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, cp_model.BoolVar], None, None]:
        for i, (weight, x_i) in enumerate(zip(self.instance.weights, self.x)):
            if (
                weight_lb <= weight <= weight_ub
                and value_lb <= self.instance.values[i] <= value_ub
                yield i, x_i

class _CombiVariables:
    def __init__(
        instance: KnapsackInstance,
        model: cp_model.CpModel,
        item_vars: _ItemVariables,
        self.instance = instance
        self.model = model
        self.item_vars = item_vars
        self.bonus = {}

    def __getitem__(self, i, j):
        i, j = min(i, j), max(i, j)
        if (i, j) not in self.bonus:
            self.bonus[(i, j)] = self.model.new_bool_var(f"bonus_{i}_{j}")
                self.item_vars[i] + self.item_vars[j] >= 2 * self.bonus[(i, j)]
        return self.bonus[(i, j)]

class KnapsackSolver:
    def __init__(self, instance: KnapsackInstance, config: KnapsackSolverConfig):
        self.instance = instance
        self.config = config
        self.model = cp_model.CpModel()
        self._item_vars = _ItemVariables(instance, self.model)
        self._bonus_vars = _CombiVariables(instance, self.model, self._item_vars)
        self._objective = self._item_vars.packed_value()  # Initial objective setup
        self.solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

    def solve(self) -> KnapsackSolution:
        self.solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = self.config.time_limit
        self.solver.parameters.relative_gap_limit = self.config.opt_tol
        self.solver.parameters.log_search_progress = self.config.log_search_progress
        status = self.solver.solve(self.model)
        if status in [cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE]:
            return KnapsackSolution(
        return KnapsackSolution(
            selected_items=[], objective=0, upper_bound=float("inf")

    def add_bonus(self, item_a: int, item_b: int, bonus: int):
        self._objective += bonus * self._bonus_vars[item_a, item_b]

Key Benefits:

  • Efficiency: Lazy construction of variables ensures that only necessary variables are created, reducing memory usage and computational overhead.
  • Simplicity: By just creating the variables when accessed, we do not need any logic to decide which variables are needed upfront, simplifying the model construction process.

Embedding CP-SAT in an Application via multiprocessing

If you want to embed CP-SAT in your application for potentially long-running optimization tasks, you can utilize callbacks to provide users with progress updates and potentially interrupt the process early. However, one issue is that the application can only react during the callback. Since the callback is not always called frequently, this may lead to problematic delays, making it unsuitable for graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or application programming interfaces (APIs).

An alternative is to let the solver run in a separate process and communicate with it using a pipe. This approach allows the solver to be interrupted at any time, enabling the application to react immediately. Python's multiprocessing module provides reasonably simple ways to achieve this. This example showcases such an approach. However, for scaling this approach up, you will actually have to build a task queues where the solver is run by workers. Using multiprocessing can still be useful for the worker to remain responsive for stop signals while the solver is running.

Interactive Solver with Streamlit using multiprocessing
Using multiprocessing, one can build a responsive interface for a solver.

The CP-SAT Primer is authored by Dominik Krupke at TU Braunschweig, Algorithms Division. It is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license.

The primer is written for educational purposes and may be incomplete or incorrect in places. If you find this primer helpful, please star the GitHub repository, to let me know with a single click that it has made an impact. As an academic, I also enjoy hearing about how you use CP-SAT to solve real-world problems.