Alternatives: CP-SAT's Place in the World of Optimization
When you begin exploring optimization, you will encounter a plethora of tools, techniques, and communities. It can be overwhelming, as these groups, while sharing many similarities, also differ significantly. They might use the same terminology for different concepts or different terms for the same concepts, adding to the confusion. Not too many experts can effectively navigate these varied communities and techniques. Often, even specialists, including professors, concentrate on a singular technique or community, remaining unaware of potentially more efficient methods developed in other circles.
If you are interested in understanding the connections between different optimization concepts, consider watching the talk Logic, Optimization, and Constraint Programming: A Fruitful Collaboration by John Hooker. Please note that this is an academic presentation and assumes some familiarity with theoretical computer science.
Let us now explore the various tools and techniques available, and see how they compare to CP-SAT. Please note that this overview is high-level and not exhaustive. If you have any significant additions, feel free to open an issue, and I will consider including them.
- Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming (MIP): MIP is a highly effective method
for solving a variety of optimization problems, particularly those involving
networks like flow or tour problems. While MIP only supports linear
constraints, making it less expressive than CP-SAT, it is often the best
choice if your model is compatible with these constraints. CP-SAT incorporates
techniques from MIP, but with limitations, including the absence of continuous
variables and incremental modeling. Consequently, pure MIP-solvers, being more
specialized, tend to offer greater efficiency for certain applications.
Notable MIP-solvers include:
- Gurobi: A commercial solver known for its state-of-the-art capabilities in MIP-solving. It offers free academic licenses, exceptional performance, user-friendliness, and comprehensive support through documentation and expert-led webinars. Gurobi is particularly impressive in handling complex, large-scale problems.
- SCIP: An open-source solver that provides a Python interface. Although not as efficient or user-friendly as Gurobi, SCIP allows extensive customization and is ideal for research and development, especially for experts needing to implement advanced decomposition techniques. If you know how to use it, you can achieve better performance than any other solver for certain problems (especially with Branch and Price).
- FICO Xpress Optimization: Another popular commercial solver. A lot of the SCIP developers seem to end up either at Gurobi or Xpress.
- COPT Cardinal Solver: A relatively new commercial solver that seems to be very strong for some problem classes.
- HiGHS: A newer solver licensed under MIT, presenting an interesting alternative to SCIP. It is possibly faster and features a more user-friendly interface, but is less versatile. For performance benchmarks, see here.
- Constraint Programming (CP): Constraint Programming is a more general
approach to optimization problems than MIP. As the name suggests, it focuses
on constraints and solvers usually come with a lot of advanced constraints
that can be used to describe your problem more naturally. A classical example
is the
-constraint, which is very hard to model in MIP, but would allow, e.g., to trivially model a Sudoku problem. Constraint Programming has been very successful for example in solving scheduling problems, where you have a lot of constraints that are hard to model with linear constraints. The internal techniques of CP-solvers are often more logic-based and less linear algebra-based than MIP-solvers. Popular CP-solvers are:- OR-Tools' CP-SAT: Discussed in this primer, CP-SAT combines various optimization techniques, including those from MIP solvers, but its primary technique is Lazy Clause Generation. This approach translates problems into (Max-)SAT formulas for resolution.
- Choco: A traditional CP solver developed in Java, licensed under the BSD 4-Clause. While it may not match CP-SAT in efficiency or modernity, Choco offers significant flexibility, including the option to integrate custom propagators.
- SAT-Solvers: If your problem is actually just to find a feasible solution
for some boolean variables, you may want to use a SAT-solver. SAT-solvers are
surprisingly efficient and can often handle problems with millions of
variables. If you are clever, you can also do some optimization problems with
SAT-solvers, as CP-SAT actually does. Most SAT-solvers support incremental
modelling, and some support cardinality constraints. However, they are pretty
low-level and CP-SAT actually can achieve similar performance for many
problems. A popular library for SAT-solvers is:
- PySAT: PySAT is a Python library under MIT license that provides a nice interface to many SAT-solvers. It is very easy to use and allows you to switch between different solvers without changing your code. It is a good choice if you want to experiment with SAT-solvers.
- There are many solvers popping up every year and many of them are open source. Check out the SAT Competition to see the current state of the art. Most of the solvers are written in C or C++ and do not provide much documentation. However, as SAT-formulas are very simple and the solvers usually do not have complex dependencies, they can still be reasonably easy to use.
- Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT): SMT-solvers represent an advanced
tier above traditional SAT-solvers. They aim to check the satisfiability of
mathematical formulas by extending propositional logic with additional
theories like linear arithmetic, bit-vectors, arrays, and quantifiers. For
instance, an SMT-solver can determine if a formula is satisfiable under
conditions where all variables are integers that meet specific linear
constraints. Similar to the Lazy Clause Generation utilized by CP-SAT,
SMT-solvers usually use a SAT-solver in the backend, extended by complex
encodings and additional propagators to handle an extensive portfolio of
expressions. These solvers are commonly used in automated theorem proving and
system verification. A popular SMT-solver is:
- Z3: Developed by Microsoft and available under the MIT license, Z3 offers a robust Python interface and comprehensive documentation, making it accessible for a variety of applications.
- Nonlinear Programming (NLP): Many MIP-solvers can actually handle some
nonlinear constraints, as people noticed that some techniques are actually
more general than just for linear constraints, e.g., interior points methods
can also solve second-order cone problems. However, you will notice serious
performance downgrades as these non-linearity is much more difficult to
handle. If your constraints and objectives get too complex, they may also no
longer be a viable option. Luckily, there currently is a lot of movement in
this area and you can expect that the big solvers (like Gurobi, COPT, Xpress,
etc.) will get better and better in handling these problems. If you have
smaller optimization problems of (nearly) any kind, you may want to look into:
- SciPy: SciPy is a Python library that offers a wide range of optimization algorithms. Do not expect it to get anywhere near the performance of a specialized solver, but it gives you a bunch of different options to solve a multitude of problems.
- Modeling Languages: Modeling languages provide a high-level, user-friendly
interface for formulating optimization problems, focusing on the challenges of
developing and maintaining models that accurately reflect real-world
scenarios. These languages are solver-agnostic, allowing easy switching
between different solvers - such as from the free SCIP solver to the
commercial Gurobi - without modifying the underlying model. They also
facilitate the use of diverse techniques, like transitioning between
constraint programming and mixed integer programming. However, the trade-off
is a potential loss of control and performance for the sake of generality and
simplicity. Some of the most popular modeling languages include:
- MiniZinc: Very well-documented and free modelling language that seems to have a high reputation especially in the academic community. The amazing course on constraint programming by Pierre Flener also uses MiniZinc. It supports many backends and there are the MiniZinc Challenges, where CP-SAT won quite a lot of medals.
- AMPL: AMPL is possibly the most popular modelling language. It has free and commercial solvers. There is not only extensive documentation, but even a book on how to use it.
- GAMS: This is a commercial system which supports many solvers and also has gotten a Python-interface. I actually know the guys from GAMS as they have a location in Braunschweig. They have a lot of experience in optimization, but I have never used their software myself.
- pyomo: Pyomo is a Python library that allows you to model your optimization problem in Python and then let it solve by different solvers. It is not as high-level as AMPL or GAMS, but it is free and open source. It is also very flexible and allows you to use Python to model your problem, which is a huge advantage if you are already familiar with Python. It actually has support for CP-SAT and could be an option if you just want to have a quick solution.
- OR-Tools' MathOpt: A very new competitor and sibling of CP-SAT. It only supports a few solvers, but may be still interesting.
- Specialized Algorithms: For many optimization problems, there are
specialized algorithms that can be much more efficient than general-purpose
solvers. Examples are:
- Concorde: Concorde is a solver for the Traveling Salesman Problem that despite its age is still blazingly fast for many instances.
- OR-Tools' Routing Solver: OR-Tools also comes with a dedicated solver for routing problems.
- OR-Tools' Network Flows: OR-Tools also comes with a dedicated solver for network flow problems.
- ...
- Approximation Algorithms: For many difficult optimization problems, you can find scientific papers that describe approximation algorithms for them. These algorithms come with some guarantees of not being too far off from the optimal solution. Some are even proven to achieve the best possible guarantees. However, you should not directly try to implement such a paper even if it perfectly fits your problem. There are some approximation algorithms that are actually practical, but many are not. The guarantees are usually focussed on artificial worst-case scenarios, and even if the algorithms can be implemented, they may be beaten by simple heuristics. Approximation algorithms and their analysis can be quite useful for understanding the structure of your problem, but their direct practical use is limited.
- Meta-Heuristics: Instead of using a generic solver like CP-SAT, you can also try to build a custom algorithm for your problem based on some meta-heuristic pattern, like simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, or tabu search. Meta-heuristics require some coding, but once you know the pattern, they are quite straightforward to implement. While there are some libraries to generalize parts of the algorithms, you could also just write the whole algorithm yourself. This gives the advantage of truly understanding what is going on in the algorithm, but you miss a lot of advanced techniques contained in solvers like CP-SAT. For many optimization problems, you will have difficulties competing against techniques utilizing advanced solvers in terms of solution quality. If you just want a quick solution, meta-heuristics can be a good start.
As evident, there exists a diverse array of tools and techniques for solving optimization problems. CP-SAT stands out as a versatile approach, particularly well-suited for combinatorial optimization challenges. If you frequently encounter these types of problems, becoming proficient with CP-SAT is highly recommended. Its effectiveness across a broad spectrum of scenarios - excelling in many - is remarkable for a tool that is both free and open-source.
The CP-SAT Primer is authored by Dominik Krupke at TU Braunschweig, Algorithms Division. It is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license.
The primer is written for educational purposes and may be incomplete or incorrect in places. If you find this primer helpful, please star the GitHub repository, to let me know with a single click that it has made an impact. As an academic, I also enjoy hearing about how you use CP-SAT to solve real-world problems.